Vertical Piano and Musical Symbols
Vertical Piano and Musical Symbols
Do even more with the Grand Staff Magnetic Board with these custom-sized printables. The vertical piano can be placed next to the staff so students can visualize the correlation between the staff and piano keys. The alto clef, time signatures, and notes are formatted to fit perfectly on the Grand Staff Magnetic Board.
For best results, print on transparent paper.
Download includes…
- 1 PDF file of 3 pages with the following:
- Vertical keyboards in 5 colors
- Alto clef
- Time signatures: 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, and 6/8
- 5 whole notes, 4 half notes, 4 quarter notes, 2 eighth notes
- 1 whole rest, 1 half rest, 2 quarter rests, 1 eighth rest
- 2 ties, 1 triplet slur
- 1 barline, 1 extra blank staff
Print multiple pages for as many notes as you need to create original melodies, review rhythms, and more.
*Please note that this is an instant digital download. No physical item will be sent.
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