Staff Lines Stamp
Staff Lines Stamp
Staff Lines Stamp
Use the Staff Lines Stamp to easily create flashcards quickly or add a small theory exercise to any lesson book. Unlike the freehand Staff Lines Roller Stamp, this stamps clean, straight lines for your more precise musical needs. Use in any lesson assignment book, sticky notes, scrapbooks, and more.
Staff Lines Stamps Product Details
- Staff Imprint Dimensions: 2.2 x 0.78 inch
- Black ink
- Self Inking
- Single staff (5 lines, 4 spaces)
Ideas for Staff Lines Stamp
You can use the Staff Lines Stamp for many teaching opportunities.
- teach clefs & have students practice drawing clefs
- teach the line & space numbers
- teach note names on the staff
- teach intervals
- teach chords
- teach inversions
- teach pentascales
- teach key signatures
- stamp more than 1 for extended pedagogical uses
- combine with the 1 Octave Piano Keys Stamp for even more pedagogical uses
You can stamp the Staff Lines Stamp on an index card or sticky note for quick review the student can take home and drill themselves with.
You can also stamp multiple Staff Lines Stamps on a sheet of paper to give your student a ready-made review sheet. They can copy your example or do their own work.
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