Spot Practice Stamp
Spot Practice Stamp
If your students are tempted to rush through an entire piece instead of slowing down to focus on small sections, then this Spot Practice Stamp is for you! Adaptable for the days of the week or to encourage your student to practice specific sections, your students will have no excuse for avoiding focused practice.
Product info:
- DIMENSIONS 1.85 x 0.7 inch
- Black ink
- Self-inking
Teaching Ideas for Spot Practice Stamp
Save yourself from having to remind students to slow down and practice small sections over and over by using this Spot Practice Stamp. Students can now track how many accurate repetitions they have accomplished by writing the number or checking/coloring each key.
Stamp on your students’ assignment books or directly to a piece for your student to track their spot practice. If you want to avoid permanently stamping in a book, you can stamp on a sticky note and place it near the spot that needs the practice.
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