Guitar Tablature and Fretboard Roller Stamp (Double Sided)
Guitar Tablature and Fretboard Roller Stamp (Double Sided)
Guitar Tablature and Fretboard Roller Stamp
The Guitar Tablature and Fretboard Roller Stamp is a great addition to your guitar studio, as you can easily add a guitar tab or fretboard diagram whenever and wherever you need it for teaching & review. Stamp is self-inking. Use this Guitar Tablature and Fretboard Roller Stamp in guitar assignment books, lesson books, and any other paper material. It’s easy to roll out tab lines and fretboard diagrams where needed—and the exact length needed—with the Guitar Tablature and Fretboard Roller Stamp.
Product info:
- Double-sided stamp
- Guitar fretboard diagram
- Guitar tablature (6 lines)
- Black ink
- Self-inking
- Easy to refill ink (1 mini refill ink bottle included)
Please note: roller stamps give a more artist “free hand” style. Using the stamp straight across will not give the best results.
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